Weather data from a weather station at Manu over the last week:
Daytime temperatures are on average 29-30°C
Night time temperatures are on average 22-24°C
Relative humidity is frequently 100%, so everything gets very wet
Sunrise is 6 am
Sunset is 5.30 pm
Today the radar map shows rain clouds just North of where they are. The current temperature is 26°C, 100% relative humidity at 5 am Peru time.
The weather station is down river from Base Camp, but we expect it to be the same.
Daytime temperatures are on average 29-30°C
Night time temperatures are on average 22-24°C
Relative humidity is frequently 100%, so everything gets very wet
Sunrise is 6 am
Sunset is 5.30 pm
Today the radar map shows rain clouds just North of where they are. The current temperature is 26°C, 100% relative humidity at 5 am Peru time.
The weather station is down river from Base Camp, but we expect it to be the same.